Mission Statement:
God has placed a passion on my heart. So many people are without and in need of warm clothes during the winter months. I love to knit and crochet. I have a desire to knit and crochet hats and scarves and distribute the finished products to various charities. I would love to bring people together in order to make beautiful hats and scarves for people in need. There are so many different charities that are in need. If we work together and make things to donate we can fill so many needs. I know everyone is not able to knit and crochet, however, we can also accept donations of yarn to be distributed to knitters and crocheters. We also accept monetary donations to be used to purchase yarn.
If you would like to donate your skills and talents and you are able to knit or crochet handmade beautiful items for people in need, please feel free to contact me. See the contact us page.
Yarn and monetary donations helps with the cost so I can share more yarn with the people making the beautiful items for people and organizations in need. This helps us to be able to reduce our costs and bless those in need. This also shows that someone cares enough that they wanted to make something beautiful and handmade for them.

Knitting and Crocheting for Charity
32545 Greenbriar Ave.
Warren, MI 48092