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2021 Donations

December 17, 2021


On December 17, 2021, we just dropped off a donation to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries which included 11 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 13 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 78 scarves, 14 sets, 7 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 285 items for the homeless!


DRMM offers two major programs for those struggling with addictions – sub-acute substance abuse detoxification and substance abuse treatment.  We had 50 volunteers that contributed yarn and finished products.



December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

Grace Episcopal Church passes out the items during their outreaches.



December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

Grace Centers of Hope provides housing and education to the homeless, abused, and addicted. They are located in Pontiac, Michigan. We had seven volunteers that contributed yarn and finished products.


December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

Turning Point passes out the items during their outreaches.

Turning Point.jpg


December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

McRest passes out the items during their outreaches.



December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

Central Detroit Christian passes out the items during their outreaches.



December 17, 2021

On December 17, 2021, we donated 5 cowls/infinity scarves, 8 ear warmers, 8 gloves/mittens, 154 hats, 77 scarves, 13 sets, and 3 wraps/blankets!!! For a total of 268 items for the homeless!

DRIVE passes out the items during their outreaches.

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